Improve your patients’ and practice’s health with a little dose of Kindly Reminders®

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Remote patient monitoring made personal®

Kindly Reminders® is your partner in bringing a personal approach to remote patient monitoring. We bring a seamless, person-focused remote patient monitoring experience to your patients and your practice. Our team thrives on developing warm relationships with your patients, showing how much you care about their wellbeing, and providing you with the data you need to make the best possible healthcare decisions.

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Good for your patient; good for your practice

Healthcare providers partnering with Kindly Reminders® derive a dual benefit.

Firstly, it’s about your patients. We become an extension of your team in providing a high level of patient engagement and focus, not only enhancing patient health outcomes, but also a concierge, high touch experience, enhancing patient satisfaction with your level of care.

Secondly, it’s about your practice. Kindly Reminders® provides a turnkey Remote Patient Monitoring solution, increasing practice revenue while creating almost zero additional work for your team. Let us handle the heavy lifting!

“The key to Kindly Reminders® is our focus on the person. We deliver an elevated patient experience and provide context for improving each and every patient’s health.”

— Christopher March, Kindly Reminders®

Contact us to see if Kindly Reminders® is right for you.

There’s no commitment, pressure, or obligation.